Update on Team Working

Since the last post, we’ve had another day of working on our team project. I remain convinced that this has been an amazing learning experience in seeing how others perceive a problem and how others would fix things differently from how I see things. It’s also been a joy having 4 people read through the rails documentation instead of just having to sift through it myself. The questions we come up with as a group are also quite interesting and the depth we reach is a bit deeper than I would have thought about things on my own.

For example, yesterday, we were discussing global variables and helper methods and were wondering if it was bad practice to rely too heavily on these. However, as we discussed this with an instructor, we dove into why we thought global variables were bad. As it turned out, global read/write/access was the reason that global variables could be potentially dangerous. However, the way that we were using helper methods and instance variables across our application was really limited to global reading access, with no real writing access. This thought process though was something i may or may not have had alone, but was good to get a discussion going about.

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