Unpackaging the Rails Magic

Hello there!

so for the week or so, we’ve dived into rails and have been working on building a website with sessions, user logins, and a few models. Now that I’ve had a chance to copy and paste, and then carefully read through the code, it’s fairly incredible how much rails puts together behind the scenes, and it can be a bit daunting trying to distinguish the magic from the user-instructed inputs and understanding how everything ties together.

In particular, I’ve been quite interested in active record, the object-relational mapping tool that interfaces between our databases and ruby-based models. Although it’s summarized in just 3 letters, its ability to connect these 2 different sides to work harmoniously is really quite amazing. As someone who is still chewing on the concept of different relations between objects, it is quite interesting to see how rails and its many gems augment the user directions to produce real, functioning websites.

As we move farther into rails, I’d love to try and tinker a bit more (and hopefully not break things) to solidify my understanding of the ‘rails way’ and its flexibility.



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